Friday, January 11, 2008

Advance Google patent Search

5 Patents Guide - Now you can become a Inventor too.

Now run to a patent house and demand that you have invented that. - Google Patent Search Page

Some Patent Links :

1 -Push Pin - JONATHAN A. HUNT - Who invented Push Pin when common pin was invented who could think of it.

Complete URL ( Universal Resource Locator ):

2 Toy Skunk - Richard E.cone - Who can think of Toy Skunk - It's easy Children and your business budget devoting kids to those skunks. I need rest now.

Patent number: D245722
Filing date: May 26, 1976
Issue date: Sep 6, 1977
Inventor: Richard E. Cone
Primary Examiner: C. A. Rademaker

U.S. Classification
D34 15B

3 - Method and system for displaying furniture
Mario Belini et al - Can you display furniture in a fun way - No, I mean common I need something else now.

4 - Finger puppet Hobart Ford - Can you make a Finger Puppet? No, then you can't have this patent.

- Ok! now you believe me the world is not believe me


I should have given a full link of the patient. I mean to say hyperlink. I am sorry but too tired to write now.

Bye. I need to add this. How many of you would ever read this. From what I can think . No one. Not a single human or even a creature. I know boring.